Saturday, November 13, 2010

Day 23-30

Day 23: 15 Facts about you
1. I don't like water. I would rather almost drink anything else
2. Im deaf in my right ear
3. I don't like taking showers. Of course I do it, but I dont like getting wet and it takes FOREVER to shave and and blowdry my hair
4. I stopped growing height wise when I was like 15
5. I am a perfectionist. Things have to be perfect. It might border on OCD
6. I almost always have to have some sort of noise in the background, like music, or tv. I usually sleep with the tv on.
7. until 2 years ago I slept with the light from my nightstand lamp on, everynight.
8. I actually got married right about the age I always knew I would. I never wanted to be a ridiculously young bride. I wanted to have been single for a while.
9. Although I haven't done it in a while, I am a very good dancer.
10. I am TERRIBLE at math
11. My favorite toy when I was a kid was barbie. For my 6th birthday I asked everyone of my friends for a barbie. I got 15 barbies that year. Every single one was a different kind.
12. I am a HUGE animal lover. I don't believe in hunting and I have considered being a vegetarian before. That didnt work out because 1. I love chicken too much 2. My husband said we would not be married if that was the case.
13. my nose is crooked because I broke it cheerleading. This causes me to have 2 different profiles.
14. I get tired really easily.
15. I have never not gotten a job I have interviewed for.

Day 24: A photo of something that means a lot to you

I love my little Stinkerbell

Day 25: What's in your purse
honestly my purse is full of crap. The other day my entire bottle of vitamins opened up and now they are all over the bottom of my purse :/

Day 26: A place you have been

Cancun, Mexico

Day 27: A picture of you a year ago and how you have changed

well this is more than a year ago, but this is when Scott and I were first looking at enegagement rings, Back in like June of last year. A lot changed since then. We got engagement, got married, moved to Utah, and started a whole new life.

Day 28:Your favorite movie

Well I love 7 pounds, A Walk to Remember, and The Notebook

Day 29: Something you never get tired of doing
eating!!!!!! hahahahahahah can you blame me????

Day 30: A photo of yourself today and 3 good things about you
I am NOT putting up a pic of myself today, but I will put up the most recent

this is from Halloween, and 3 good things about me....
1. I am a good friend
2. I am very driven
3. Im fun!


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