Friday, May 13, 2011

Mother's Day

So this year I was able to celebrate my first ((unoffical)) Mothers Day! Even though my baby won't be here for a while, I am still a mother, because I have a baby, a real baby growing in me, and I am that baby's mom :) So Mothers Day Scott was so sweet and spoiled me a little bit.

I woke up and he made me one of my favorite breakfast dishes, french toast, with orange juice. I must say he did a great job! His french toast might have even been better than mine.

While I was eating my french toast in my bed, Scott brought in a present, wrapped in a Desert Book box, so of course I was curious as to what it was. I opened it and inside was new scriptures, with my new married name on it! I desperatly needed a new set of scriptures since my last pair was from when I was 8 years old and had stickers all over the inside. It was pretty torn up, and I was so grateful.

I read the card he gave me. In the card he mentioned what a beautiful testimony I have and how reading and studying the scriptures is going to be the best way to bless our childrens lives. There was more to it, but it made me so happy that he thought about what he wanted to give me, and really gave me something meaningful and purposeful for Mothers Day. :)

We went to church and I enjoyed our new ward, which is awesome, and of course they gave us women a treat...chocolate chip cookies! And for the first time I felt totally guiltless taking one, because it was my right! lol We met our next door neighbors who are way nice. The husband was actually in Scott's old ward in Texas and I found out that his wife is pregnant too and is due 3 days after me! I think we are gonna get along great.

For dinner Scott and I had a relaxing dinner of Chicken Cordon Bleu, spanish rice, texas toast, and apple Martinellis. It was a wonderful day in the Allen house, and I am beyond grateful for my sweet and amazing husband!

But of course I cannot forget my most important person during Mothers Day, and that is my own mother. My mom is my best friend, she is so sweet, so loving, and if you know her, so ridiculous and funny. My mom has always been there to talk to me, to complain with me, to rejoice with me. I miss going out to lunch with my mom all the time and talking about everything, and as I got older I always felt that I could tell my mom about anything, and she would would just listen and understand like a good friend.

Im so grateful for my mom and all she has done for me and my sisters. Her and my dad own a car dealership and my mom not only is a mom and is always taking care of my little sisters, and cleaning, and cooking, but she works like 10 or 12 hours a day to help my dad with the accounting side of his business, or to help my dad meet with clients or move cars. Im so thankful for all my mom has given up to do everything for us and give my family the life that we have.

At my Bridal shower, check out that face on mom! lol

My mother is the best example to me in the world and I hope that I can be as wonderful of a mother as my mom is. Thank you mom, I love you.

p.s....Scott got some new shoes this week (much needed) and now we are twins!

is that not the cutest thing ever? it is.

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