Sunday, July 15, 2012
My blog is MOVING!
So I think I have come to the point where my fashion blog and my personal blog are at odds with one another, and at this point in time my personal blog is losing. I spend all of my computer time nurturing The Dime Diary so it can take flight someday, and my poor family blog has been seriously neglected. I don't want to ignore my family blog, but I do realize that it is too time consuming to try and manage two different sites at the same time, so that is why I have decided it is time to merge my 2 blogs together!
I have put in a considerable amount time trying to figure out how I am going to merge the 2 while still appealing to my fashion readers. I have noticed that a substantial amount of my readers come over here after visiting my other blog, and I think because of that it will be simple transition and one that makes it easier for my readers to not have to go hoping around from page to page! I have chosen to move my family blog over here and from now on you will see fashion and makeup posts as usual, mixed with my family life! I think it will be good to show my readers a more personal side of my life, and so all of you can feel like you know me a little bit more personally.
I have decided to still call my blog The Dime Diary. I think the name is still very meaningful for my personal life as well as fashion related. Here we are, a young, fairly newly married couple, living life as poor college students, learning how to make it in the world. The Dime Diary is going to showcase our lives (and fashion of COURSE) the way that we live them, and I think that is great:)
The switch will probably be totally complete by mid August and I will have a new design (yet again). Until then I will no longer be updating this blog and you can see The Dime Diary for all things pertaining to my personal life. I hope you are supportive of the changes I am making! I'm really excited and I hope everyone agrees!
Please follow me over HERE
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
6 months old
My sweet little Ava is now 6 months old! I seriously can't believe it! It seems like just yesterday we brought her home from the hospital, but here she is half a year old and loving life. She is the happiest baby i have ever known, Im not being biased just cause she is mine, but this baby is always smiling. Its pretty funny because I get compliments on how cute she is almost every single day when I take her out. Old people especially love her, and when people stop to look at her, she always starts smiling at them. They usually are super excited and take it as something like "she must like me!" I don't have the heart to tell them that she smiles at everyone:)
Little Ava bug sleeps in her own bed now, which is SUCH a blessing, but if we don't get her in her bed by about 8 pm, she mutates into the Hulk. For how sweet she is, she also can be miserable come night time! It sure does make doing anything in the evening outside of TV at home almost impossible. Ava has a very bright personality. She is sweet but strong willed, and she is incredibly resilient. If that little girl wants something, she stops at nothing to have it, but the opposite is true as well, if she doesn't want something, she is NOT gonna have it. One night Scott and I tried putting her to bed a little early, and she cried for a while, I told him that she would just cry it out and eventually fall asleep, she has to learn when her bedtime is! Well 45 minutes later she is still crying, almost to the point of gagging herself with tears. So we got her out, and she was immediately all smiles with a puffy face and all. 10 minutes later? She's asleep. That girl is something else I tell ya.
right now Ava is getting ready to crawl! She has figured out how to sit up and rock back and forth on all fours, she army crawls right now, kinda just scooting herself along...she hasn't quite mastered the coordination, but I bet its coming soon!
Scott and I have been doing really well, of course we have our trials like every family does, but we have done such a good job handling every obstacle that has been in our path lately. Im so proud of Scott, he is just such a great husband and such a great dad. Im so glad I married him, I love him more and more everyday! As for me I have just been enjoying being home with Ava, some days can get a little repetitive or boring, but I love every day I get to spend with my amazing daughter, I learn so much from her everyday. I love watching her grow and learn new things!
With the summer coming up its going to start getting pretty busy! We are trying to plan at trip to Las Vegas this summer, just Scott and I, to see our friends Craig and Steph, and then we have to get ready for my sister Courtney's wedding in August in San Diego! Im super excited to spend a whole week in sunny California with my family, going to the beach, going to Disneyland, and of course being a part of Courtney and Taylor's wedding! We also have my birthday coming up next week, and Scott and I are going to Lagoon while Grandma Allen watches the baby! So much fun stuff to look forward to!

right now Ava is getting ready to crawl! She has figured out how to sit up and rock back and forth on all fours, she army crawls right now, kinda just scooting herself along...she hasn't quite mastered the coordination, but I bet its coming soon!
Scott and I have been doing really well, of course we have our trials like every family does, but we have done such a good job handling every obstacle that has been in our path lately. Im so proud of Scott, he is just such a great husband and such a great dad. Im so glad I married him, I love him more and more everyday! As for me I have just been enjoying being home with Ava, some days can get a little repetitive or boring, but I love every day I get to spend with my amazing daughter, I learn so much from her everyday. I love watching her grow and learn new things!
With the summer coming up its going to start getting pretty busy! We are trying to plan at trip to Las Vegas this summer, just Scott and I, to see our friends Craig and Steph, and then we have to get ready for my sister Courtney's wedding in August in San Diego! Im super excited to spend a whole week in sunny California with my family, going to the beach, going to Disneyland, and of course being a part of Courtney and Taylor's wedding! We also have my birthday coming up next week, and Scott and I are going to Lagoon while Grandma Allen watches the baby! So much fun stuff to look forward to!

Thursday, May 3, 2012
Break from Facebook
So today after looking around at my pile of unfolded laundry that I have been putting off for a few days, I decided it is time for some changes; and those changes start with a break from Facebook. I has spent entirely too much time on there, precious time that I could be doing something much more productive. So I deactivated my account for a while until I feel like I don't need to check it so much. It's not that Im spending all day on it or anything, but I do have the app on my phone, and with a push of a button I read thew my news feed all day, when honestly, I don't really care what is happening on Facebook all that much. In reality I'm just filling my time, when I have SO much stuff I should and need to be doing. So I deactivated my account, deleted my app, and Im thinking about doing the same for my Instagram, my fashion blog, and all the game apps on my phone...we will see! haha So in the meantime, check back here for updates on our lives:)
Monday, April 30, 2012
I'm seriously almost in tears!!!
This is amazing haha, next time I'm pregnant I will be doing this to random people in the store.
Friday, April 20, 2012
It's been a while since I've posted! The Dime Diary has really been taking up most of my blogging time, but I am updating about a few things, and will fill you in on life through my Instagram photos!
Lately we have been having a lot of fun with Ava, she is so big now. Last time she was weighed she was 18 lbs, and 14 and 1/2 inches long! She is in the 99th% for her weight and 80 something for her height. She is as big as some 1 year old babies! Her hair is also getting really light, like so light its blonde now, which is really crazy since Scott and I both have very dark hair. Scott was a little blondie as a baby, but her hair started out dark, so that's why I thought it was weird that it has gotten lighter!
Ava has finally made the transition into her own crib. It was very very hard on me at first considering she has been sleeping in our bed for 4 months now. The first night we attempted it, I hardly got any sleep, she cried for an hour, and I ended up bringing her back to bed. The next time we tried it, I was so worried all night that I never slept since I checked on her all night. The thought of leaving her alone in her bed was terrifying to me since Scarlett died of SIDS in her own crib, and I think I have some post-traumatic stress from it, making me into a psycho freak mom! But then Scott let me get the Angel Care Monitor. Any soon to be mom's, this is a must have I've decided. It gives me absolute peace of mind, and I get AMAZING rest in my own bed since Ava sleeps in her crib now.
This monitor has a sensor pad that you put under the crib mattress, and it detects the baby's every movement, from a twitching finger to a tiny breath, and if there is no movement at all from your baby within 20 seconds, it sounds an alarm for you to go check on them! It's amazing. I can now put Ava in her crib, go to sleep, and rest assured that if anything is wrong, it will let me know. And even better, Ava is sleeping through the night completely now. I'm so happy I finally got her in her own crib! Anyway there isn't too much else going on. We might be moving again this summer, probably still in Orem, even though we REALLLLLLY want to move to Salt Lake. Our carpet in our current apartment is pretty crappy :/ and our landlord is pretty lax on replacing it, but I'm not having my baby crawl on this sick carpet!!! hahaha anyway, enjoy these photo's of everyone recently! So as it goes for my blog, Im really really going to try harder to update more frequently. It doesn't have to be a long post or anything, as long as I don't wait too long, putting up a small post a couple times a week shouldn't be a big deal!
Lately we have been having a lot of fun with Ava, she is so big now. Last time she was weighed she was 18 lbs, and 14 and 1/2 inches long! She is in the 99th% for her weight and 80 something for her height. She is as big as some 1 year old babies! Her hair is also getting really light, like so light its blonde now, which is really crazy since Scott and I both have very dark hair. Scott was a little blondie as a baby, but her hair started out dark, so that's why I thought it was weird that it has gotten lighter!
Ava has finally made the transition into her own crib. It was very very hard on me at first considering she has been sleeping in our bed for 4 months now. The first night we attempted it, I hardly got any sleep, she cried for an hour, and I ended up bringing her back to bed. The next time we tried it, I was so worried all night that I never slept since I checked on her all night. The thought of leaving her alone in her bed was terrifying to me since Scarlett died of SIDS in her own crib, and I think I have some post-traumatic stress from it, making me into a psycho freak mom! But then Scott let me get the Angel Care Monitor. Any soon to be mom's, this is a must have I've decided. It gives me absolute peace of mind, and I get AMAZING rest in my own bed since Ava sleeps in her crib now.
This monitor has a sensor pad that you put under the crib mattress, and it detects the baby's every movement, from a twitching finger to a tiny breath, and if there is no movement at all from your baby within 20 seconds, it sounds an alarm for you to go check on them! It's amazing. I can now put Ava in her crib, go to sleep, and rest assured that if anything is wrong, it will let me know. And even better, Ava is sleeping through the night completely now. I'm so happy I finally got her in her own crib! Anyway there isn't too much else going on. We might be moving again this summer, probably still in Orem, even though we REALLLLLLY want to move to Salt Lake. Our carpet in our current apartment is pretty crappy :/ and our landlord is pretty lax on replacing it, but I'm not having my baby crawl on this sick carpet!!! hahaha anyway, enjoy these photo's of everyone recently! So as it goes for my blog, Im really really going to try harder to update more frequently. It doesn't have to be a long post or anything, as long as I don't wait too long, putting up a small post a couple times a week shouldn't be a big deal!
Sunday, March 25, 2012
The Dime Diary, go look at it!!!!
K so I thought I would put up one more thing. This is another reason I haven't blogged much lately, I started working on a new project, a new blog. I used to do make-up reviews and such on a blog called The Beauty Blog, but I never put much effort into it, so I decided to start a new one. It's a fashion/make-up, and lifestyle blog about how I find cute clothes that don't cost very much. I felt that some blogs that only put up designer outfits are kinda impractical for the average girl, since most of us can't afford them, and i want other girls to know that they can still find cute and INEXPENSIVE clothes and look just as good. It's just starting out, but if you could take a look and follow it, I would LOVE it. This is the first time Im debuting it, so I don't have any followers yet, and honestly it makes me kind of nervous, just cause I don't like to put myself out there in this way; but I think it will be a fun blog and people will enjoy it! Let me know if you like it!
Love you all!
Love you all!
long time no post...
So I haven't actually blogged in a long time. I think I feel like its gonna take forever every time I sit down to do it, and then I put it off some more, and the long i put it off, the more I have to blog about. It's a vicious cycle.
Anyway, a lot has been happening lately. I went on a trip to Colorado to see my family, Ava has gotten HUGE and Scott got a new job. So basically life is full of exciting things right now, especially that Ava got RSV this last week, and now I'm pretty sure I have it. Most exciting for sure. So my Colorado trip will have to wait for another day, but I will just update on Scott.
Life has been really good lately. My best friend Ashley introduced Scott to her work at a place called Clearlink. He was a little concerned at first about leaving his present job, just since he can make so much money in a month, but he had only been able to come to church about 1 to 2 sundays a month. It was killer. This new job opened up a lot of doors for us, and after much consideration he decided to take the job! I was so proud of him, and very excited that he would be able to come to church with me from now on, every sunday. He is LOVING Clearlink and he is very happy he made the switch.
As for me, Im just still loving being mom, working on some new projects, and spending a lot of time with friends. Ava has been doing amazing! She is getting so big and so strong that it actually makes me really sad. I don't want her to grow up! Ava now can roll completely over on to her tummy, and she has started taking some jarred food. Everything is going so well in the Allen home, and I really can't complain. Life is good.
Pretty soon, I will sit down and really document some of the stuff we have been doing, but first I need to kick this cold so that I don't feel like death anymore! In the meantime, enjoy some of these recent photos of Ava bug:)

Anyway, a lot has been happening lately. I went on a trip to Colorado to see my family, Ava has gotten HUGE and Scott got a new job. So basically life is full of exciting things right now, especially that Ava got RSV this last week, and now I'm pretty sure I have it. Most exciting for sure. So my Colorado trip will have to wait for another day, but I will just update on Scott.
Life has been really good lately. My best friend Ashley introduced Scott to her work at a place called Clearlink. He was a little concerned at first about leaving his present job, just since he can make so much money in a month, but he had only been able to come to church about 1 to 2 sundays a month. It was killer. This new job opened up a lot of doors for us, and after much consideration he decided to take the job! I was so proud of him, and very excited that he would be able to come to church with me from now on, every sunday. He is LOVING Clearlink and he is very happy he made the switch.
As for me, Im just still loving being mom, working on some new projects, and spending a lot of time with friends. Ava has been doing amazing! She is getting so big and so strong that it actually makes me really sad. I don't want her to grow up! Ava now can roll completely over on to her tummy, and she has started taking some jarred food. Everything is going so well in the Allen home, and I really can't complain. Life is good.
Pretty soon, I will sit down and really document some of the stuff we have been doing, but first I need to kick this cold so that I don't feel like death anymore! In the meantime, enjoy some of these recent photos of Ava bug:)

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