Friday, April 20, 2012


It's been a while since I've posted! The Dime Diary has really been taking up most of my blogging time, but I am updating about a few things, and will fill you in on life through my Instagram photos!

Lately we have been having a lot of fun with Ava, she is so big now. Last time she was weighed she was 18 lbs, and 14 and 1/2 inches long! She is in the 99th% for her weight and 80 something for her height. She is as big as some 1 year old babies! Her hair is also getting really light, like so light its blonde now, which is really crazy since Scott and I both have very dark hair. Scott was a little blondie as a baby, but her hair started out dark, so that's why I thought it was weird that it has gotten lighter!

Ava has finally made the transition into her own crib. It was very very hard on me at first considering she has been sleeping in our bed for 4 months now. The first night we attempted it, I hardly got any sleep, she cried for an hour, and I ended up bringing her back to bed. The next time we tried it, I was so worried all night that I never slept since I checked on her all night. The thought of leaving her alone in her bed was terrifying to me since Scarlett died of SIDS in her own crib, and I think I have some post-traumatic stress from it, making me into a psycho freak mom! But then Scott let me get the Angel Care Monitor. Any soon to be mom's, this is a must have I've decided. It gives me absolute peace of mind, and I get AMAZING rest in my own bed since Ava sleeps in her crib now.

This monitor has a sensor pad that you put under the crib mattress, and it detects the baby's every movement, from a twitching finger to a tiny breath, and if there is no movement at all from your baby within 20 seconds, it sounds an alarm for you to go check on them! It's amazing. I can now put Ava in her crib, go to sleep, and rest assured that if anything is wrong, it will let me know. And even better, Ava is sleeping through the night completely now. I'm so happy I finally got her in her own crib! Anyway there isn't too much else going on. We might be moving again this summer, probably still in Orem, even though we REALLLLLLY want to move to Salt Lake. Our carpet in our current apartment is pretty crappy :/ and our landlord is pretty lax on replacing it, but I'm not having my baby crawl on this sick carpet!!! hahaha anyway, enjoy these photo's of everyone recently!
So as it goes for my blog, Im really really going to try harder to update more frequently. It doesn't have to be a long post or anything, as long as I don't wait too long, putting up a small post a couple times a week shouldn't be a big deal!

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