Sunday, January 30, 2011

Waiting for a while...

Sometimes it hard to realize that bad things happen to other people than just you. Sometimes I forget that Im not the only one who has a pet die, a siblings house burn down, loses a job, or gets an illness. But when you're right in the middle of it, you feel like you are the only one; and it is lonely.

A lot of people have been asking me what has been going on, a lot of people are worried about me, and this post is for them, because if you have to come to this page on purpose you are probably looking for an answer to what happened. This is to let everyone know that I'm ok. I'm going to be ok. I'm hurting...a lot. But this is to rest assured to everyone that I'll eventually be ready to talk about it openly. I don't want to talk about it now. I haven't completly figured out how to deal with it yet. So if you have written me on facebook, called me, or texted me and I haven't responded, I love you and I truly appreciate your concern and when I'm ready I will tell everyone what happened. But not right now.

Im hibernating, with Scott, and waiting for a while till I feel better. But I will come back soon, promise.


  1. You and Scott are in my prayers Morgan. You are loved and thought of often. :)

  2. You need to change your followers section from "People who love us" because WAY more than 18 people love you. :)

    And P.S. you never have to tell anybody if you never want to. Not even in fifty years.

    <3 see you soon.

  3. So sorry to hear this! I cant imagine the joy, confusion, sadness, and pain you have gone through! You will be in our prayers! You certainly will be stronger from this personally and as a couple! sorry Morgan!
