Saturday, December 18, 2010

It seems to me

It seems to me that a majority of "liberal people" on the earth, especially in the United States are a little more than hypocritcal. Im not the kind of person who likes to publicly discuss politics or BLAST my social viewpoints all over my blog or facebook. I know what I believe, I know what is relevant in my life is true, and if you want to believe what I believe then wonderful. If not, well that's fine too. But today I spent a good hour and a half looking at a high school friend's blog. I usually dont have that much time to sit and look through pages of someones blog, but today we are in Ogden visiting Scott's parents for 3 days, and we are doing nothing but relax.

So here I am looking at this "friends" blog. She is unmistakably liberal, pro-choice, and all for social justice, and I noticed that most of what she is blarring on her blog is as hypocritcal as the people she is calling out. All over this blog, it is filled with Anti-white supremacy cartoons (she is white), anti-homophobic quotes, and news articles on equality. She says thing like "of you don't support this, or are not angred by this, there is something wrong with you" or "If I see you post this or suppost this or that, I will unfollow you!" In many of the posts she states that if you are not all for Gay and Lesbian rights you are a terrible person and basically better off dead. If you are a rebuplican you are ruining the world, that if you are relgious or believe in god you are "f-ing stupid" or an idiot. At one point I even recall her saying something to the affect of someone not having liberal views, being "the scum of the earth, worse than scab eaters." But my favorite is a quote posted by Kurt Cobain- “If you’re a sexist, racist, homophobe, or basically an asshole, don’t buy this CD. I don’t care if you like me, I hate you.” hmmmmmm preaching love AND hate are we?

At this point I was rather confused considering that a few pages later she had a quote saying "Be kind to others, even those who you may not understand, and you will start a revolution."

Where is that being put into action?

She is screaming for equality, she is screaming for acceptnace, she is screaming for TOLERANCE. Yet she demostrates none. It just seems to me that you cannot play both sides of the field. You cannot demand tolerance of people who are different that you, or have different view points, and then turn around and not be tolerant of those who don't believe the same way as you. That is called hypocricy.

I am not liberal. That I am sure not a surprise. I am rebuplican I guess. Moreover I suppose to simply vote for legislature and presidents who's goals and morals fall in line with those similar to mine, no matter the party. I didnt not vote for Obama because he was black. Who cares if he was white, black, hispanic, asian? I didnt vote for him because he bleieves in half life abortions. I didnt vote for him because he believes in Health Care reform, which screws over good hardworking people like my parents. That is why. No other reason. I believe in marriage being between a man and woman. But I do believe if you are a man, you have all the right in the world to love another man. That is your perogative, and I don't think there is anything wrong with being liberal. Everyone is entitled to their opinion.

I don't have a problem with that girl, nor am I caring to attack her. The blog just got me thinking though. My problem is when you get mad at other people for doing exactly what you do. You demand to be understood, but do not care to understand them. Being an extreme liberal confuses me. Intolerance isn't just being racist, or homophobic. Intolerance can also be a liberal hating other people for not being liberal JUST LIKE YOU. Liberals says "let people choose" "let people decide for themsleves"

You can't be mad when they do. You are calling the kettle black.

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