Sunday, November 6, 2011

The end is near.

I am due in 2 weeks. 2 WEEKS!! ! Its seriously starting to freak me out because I know it could happen anytime at this point. It weird to think I wont be pregnant anymore, but Scott and I are ready. Really ready. I can't wait to hold her, and see her, and dress her up, and feed her, and kiss her little face. I think Im in love her right now? yeah right. I have no idea. And that is why I am so anxious.

Aside from just wanting her out cause we want to see her, I also am pretty darn tired. Just staning from siting or laying postion is exhausting. Sleeping is a nightmare. With my Sciatica, I toss and turn all night long in so much pain, cry almost nightly, and wake up and can barely walk. But it will all be worth it. I would do it all over again for her, and then some. But the hospital bag is packed, the nursery is done, her clothes are washed, this is my last week of work, and we just wait now.

Some things Im going to miss about being pregnant:
-Feeling her move all day. Getting jabbed in the ribs=not so much fun. Seeing my whole stomach ripple=super cool

-Having an excuse for being slow, forgetting things, over eating, and taking excessive naps.

-My "belly shelf"

-everyone telling me "Im SO cute" everyday. No longer will I be called cute, when I am haggered in my sweats, bags under my eyes, and no sleep. All cute comments will go straight to the main attraction.

-Help. Help from my husband, help from strangers, people being more polite, people letting me cut them in line for the bathroom because "I need it more", people holding the door for me, taking my shopping car from me. The list goes on.

-Working. This is true to some extent. I really really love my job. I really really love my co-workers. I really really am going to miss it, and I can't work full time with my new baby, so stay at home mom is about to be my new job. Im excited, but Ill miss my old one.

-All the excitement of getting ready. The whole process! How many people are excited for you, all the belly pictures, watching her grow, having little parties for her arrival.

Things I am NOT going to miss about being pregnant:
-How slow and tired I am. ALWAYS. EVERYDAY. I feel like I need a nap after everything.

-Not being able to take on and off my own shoes

-Being afraid to sleep at night. I know my sleeping is not about to get any better anytime soon, but at least I wont be sobbing in pain anymore... Ill just be sobbing in frustration!

-Having to pee 20 plus times a day.

-Wearing maternity clothes. I have some cute ones, butI pretty much bought myself a whole new ward robe for after she is out, and I cannot WAIT to wear them.

-Crying about everything. I know hormones will be crazy for a while after the baby comes, so I dont expect it too soon. But Im excited to not randomly break down and cry driving past a beggar on the street corner, or better yet, randomly sobbing on date night, DURING dinner, about being deaf in one ear (something I came to terms with a long time ago???")

-Finally...lets just say the love life is about to get A LOT easier to work with hahaha giant bellys and romantic times with your husband are not friends.

All in all I am just beyond excited to move from this stage to the next. Pregnancy, you have been fun, but I think its time we move on from eachother, at least for a few years.

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