This weekend was pretty crazy. So much happened!
Scott's best friend Matt was getting married this last weekend to a sweet girl named Jill. Scott's parents bought us plan tickets to Colorado for the wedding because they didnt want Scott to have to miss such an important day just because we were dirt poor. haha So we flew out there Friday afternoon. Unfortuantly I made a really bad choice on the way to the airport... I had been DYING to try one of those 5 hour energy shots for a while now. Im really used to energy drinks like Rockstar and I figured since everyone said it was really awesome I would give it a try...on an empty the car...on the 45 minute drive to the airport. WORST IDEA EVER!!!! I already get motion sickness in the car, so I was so jittery and anxious that by the time we got to the airport I threw up in a bush. I know, I'm such a lady.
We got some water in the airport and I felt better, until I was waiting in line and there was like 20 teenage boys way too close to my bubble. I started having a little panic attack and by the time we got on the plane I felt like I was gonna pass out. To make a lons story short, there was storms over DIA and we had to wait 45 minutes after boarding to be able to take off, and then we were 7th in line for the runway, another 45 minutes. Man I was freaking out. By the time we took off there was a ton of turbulance. (p.s. I never really get scared on planes, they are actually kind of fun) but this was amplified because of my crazy drink.
On the plane I had a full blown panic attack. My family genetically suffers from panic attacks and anxiety. I don't get them a lot, but I do get them. The last time I had one was a year ago in a Texas Roadhouse that was way to crowded! If you have never felt a panic attack, they are honestly horrible, and I am not exaggerating. All of the sudden there is this all consuming fear. Your chest tightens, you hyperventilate, your lips and tounge go dumb, and no matter what you do you cannot calm down. Luckily there was a nurse sitting in the aisle right across from me and she told me she sees people in the ER all the time because of those things. She was so nice, she talked me through techniques to calm down and it helped so much even though I was so embarrased and felt dumb :)
Once we got to Colorado and off that plane life was a lot better haha. My parents and Scott's met at Outback and we finally got some food! The rest of the trip went very well. Matt and Jill got married on Saturday morning in the Denver Temple. I was excited because I had never been in this one before and it was my home temple. Its pretty small compared to Salt Lake but still beautiful!
The sealing was really special, so sweet and you could just tell they loved eachother so much. Afterward Jill loved gorgeous in her dress and they took pictures outside. At around 1pm we went to their luncheon and per-took in the glorios buffet of food complete with chocolate fondue fountain.
Right after Scott and I headed over to Lodo's in Highlands Ranch to meet up with my long lost best friend Kendra. Kendra and I were best friends for many years and due to pride on both parts, we just fell away. But when I saw here it just reminded me of how much I just love that girl and always have, we almost cried talking about old time and fun things we did. She was such a good friend to me, probably the truest I have ever had and nobody has ever made me laugh harder. We met with her guy she has been seeing and he was really nice. Just seeing her made we want to move back to CO ASAP!
After that we heade back over to a reception in the park for Matt and Jill. They had the sweetest little reception outside in a park, and they took so much time decorating it, and the prettiest cake that Jill herself made! It was so cute. During the dances Scott even got teared up over Matt, and he never cries. It was a really special day. The next day we headed back to Utah after staying with my family who I always love to see, and now we are home. PHEW! what a fast and crazy weekend.
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