Saturday, August 28, 2010

I need to De-clutter ASAP!

So things have been hectic lately. With me choosing to go to night school at Paul Mitchell, I knew I needed to step it up in the work department and find a better paying, more full time job. The Preschool is great but unfortunatly about a month ago I got sat down by the director and she informed me that they have decided to close my class for the new school year. She said that not enough children enrolled this year to have 2 Pre-K classes and because of that, they were gonna close mine, but not to worry cause they love me a lot and want to keep me, so they would move me into a floating position or I could teach a younger class, like 2 years olds. Im sorry...but changing other peoples children's poopy diapers is not realy my thing. So I reluctantly accepted the Floating position, what else could I do? I didnt have any other job linded up. But I do NOT want to float. The job doesnt pay much to begin, why in the world would I wanna go around and give people breaks? Im not even teaching alas it was time to go on the job hunt, once again. *sigh*

I looked in to Macy's in cosmetics and to make a long story short, they are kind of disorganized and I felt like they were pulling me a long for about a month, interview here, interview there, never a straight answer about a job. They offered me a postion about 3 weeks ago and told me that it was only on-call. Basically I have to start from the bottom up and it is where I come in (if i want to pick it up) remember those key words, when someone is sick. Basically the opposite of full time. So I accepted thinking I would probably just find something else all together. (ps...after I trained I didnt hear from them for a week. I wasnt ecen sure if I worked there anymore)

I went to Victoria's Secret as a last resort because no matter what I NEED FULL TIME HOURS!!! It's my favorite store ever. I could seriously spend all my money there, I dont know how I fell about working there, but it was worth a shot. I applied, they called for an interview and I waited.

In the meantime Macy's calls me they other day and tells me that they have me scheduled for all next week...what? I havent heard from them in a week and now my "on-call" position of picking up shifts when I am available has turned into scheduling me whenever you want? Dont get me wrong, I am grateful, but they are pretty inconsistant I must say.

Ok so yesterday Victoria's Secret called me after contacing my referances, and offered me the job. YAY! But they have me scheduled next week for all this training because I made my availablity open, becuase I knew I would be leaving the preschool, I just didnt think it would happen so fast and now here I am scheduled during my preschool hours.
...I had to take a step back and look at everything going on here. Im still with the school 8 to 12:30 monday through friday..But Macy's has me scheduled almost everyday next week whenever they want, and VS over here has me training on some of the days that Im at Macy's. Crap, something has to go, and FAST! Obviously Im planning on still leaving the school, but professionally you are supposed to give 2 weeks notice, but with 2 other jobs scheduling me wherever they like, Im basically flying by the seat of my pants, and have to get out of there as quickly as possible to loosen up my schedule fast. So what do I do? Is it bad to only give a one weeks notice? They have NO idea I am even planning on leaving! I feel bad, they have been really good to me, they gave me back my classroom with not reservations when I came back from MO, but I have to do what is best for me.

Now what to do about VS and Macy's situation. VS knows my school plans and is willing to work with that, and they have given me an ACTUAL position in the store. Not just some on-call thing. So ultimatly they are the much better choice, but Macy's has the potential of becoming full time if I work hard, but they cannot promise it, and its really speratic and random. I wont even know when I am going to work until the week of, which doesn't help with wanting to keep both places. Plus VS interviewed me, was staright forward with me within a week, while Macy's has been making my chase my tail for a month. I dont feel obligated to make them my top priority.
I feel like 2 jobs just isn't going to work for me. I wish it could, but maybe if I wasn't going to school it would. I just need help, suggestions, advice.

I have a headache.

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